Gibby Waitzkin

United States

Artist's Statement
The past several years have been a tumultuous time in our country. We all have our own ways of coping-mine has been my work. When I feel myself getting overwhelmed, I return to my studio. The work re-centers, gives me hope, and new things have evolved as a result.
The natural world is the driving force in my work. The botanicals, seeds to plants, beautiful forms-flowers, fibers to harvest, some naturally dyed -all cooked-beaten-a process dating back over 2,000 years ago. The imagery I use has evolved-a sense of beauty, a sense of reflection.
Every work entails a return to the symbolic meaning – of the plant or the color, or the imagery. The words all cluster and return to- truth, peace, love, beauty, tolerance, stability, strength and protection.
Another element is my “weaving” process- a lattice work of strips of multihued fibers of banana, flax, cattail, iris, cotton and hemp. The making hundreds of fiber strips and weaving them together-symbolizes that we are all connected-we all have something in common- we can come together.
 In a period of great divisiveness, these woven elements symbolize the strength we derive from interconnection and the brilliance of our multicolored community.