"In my practice I employ various media and means to touch the nerve and glimpse at the mystery of being alive and connected to land and people across time. I try to evoke a sense of place through my paintings, collages, handmade paper, photography and artist's books. I try to notice what is vivid and link that with a sensual and well-crafted process."
The Venus Paintings a series of large format collages on paper with handmade (pulp painted, overpainted and marbeled) paper by Mary Heebner (mary@maryheebner.com)
Mary Heebner's studio is in Santa Barbara, California - visits by appointment
Bridging: Image & Word_25 Years of Simplemente Maria Press, 1995-2020 98 page catalogue full color, index, essay by Danelle Moon, Head, UCSB Special Collections
Exhibition catalogue with an essay by Dr Bruce Robertson, "Venus on Paper"
Through her imprint, simplemente maria press, Heebner creates limited edition fine art books with handmade paper, original text, artwork, letterpress. www.simplementemariapress.com
Heebner's 2020 artist's book is Prayer Flags & A Tale of Longing. Handwritten invocations to a distressed planet in the form of prayers to the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aether, are based upon traditional Tibetan prayer flags. It was featured in the 2021 IAPMA bulletin. The 10 double-sided flags printed prayers alternate with her handmade paper pulp-paintings. The flag is sewn with ribbon and can be read like a book, or suspended at a length of 12-15 feet. Her 2017, INTIMACY: Drawing with light, Drawn from stone, 2017, features a suite of watermark drawings, with letterpress on recto and hand tinted with watercolor or graphite on verso. It is on display in Museo della Carta e della Filigrana in Fabriano, Italy, where she made ivory toned paper, 2015, complimented by ultramarine pigmented paper made at Dieu Donne NYC, 2015.