" In a real sense, Dominique Rousseau doesn’t « create ». He does a lot better than that (I have little patience with all those « creators » who litter the world with their productions). Rousseau has an eye for seeing things. On the basis of a sensitive contemplation of, say, tree bark, coral, shells, sea-fans, bones, skulls, hides and skins, he works out new ways of bringing their forms together. In a rich paper paste that he makes himself from banana leaves or hemp, he implants prints and colours them with various inks. The result of the coming together of all these « lines of the earth » is a kind of cartography, a whole series of territories and continents.

Reflecting on the remarkable similarities between the flora and fauna of lands isolated today such as peninsular India, South Africa, South America and Australia, the geographer Edward Suess advanced the hypothesis of one single continent that he named Gondwana. The art of Dominique Rousseau is a kind of aesthetic Gondwana that brings together into one unity the multiplicity of elements either material (patterns, roughnesses, fibrosities) or immaterial (sensations, atmospheres, embryonic ideas) he has gathered from around the world. This art provides immediate pleasure for the eyes as well as a terrain for meditation on the forms and metamorphoses of the things of the earth.

If one can speak, and one can, of geopoetic art (one of its basic principles being to « follow the lines of the world »), I have no hesitation in saying that Dominique Rousseau is at this moment one of its most interesting and accomplished practitioners. "

Kenneth White - preface catalogue " Lines of the world "

