Naomi Kendall

United Kingdom

I love working with paper: it’s versatile and strong and comes in an endless variety of colours, weights and textures. It’s such an everyday material yet it can be transformed in so many ways.

My work is mainly focused around cutting, folding, layering and weaving paper by hand. I mostly work in colour, but also make monochrome pieces and add my own marks to the paper with inks and paints. 

I’m inspired by many things: the collections I draw while exploring museums, colourful textiles, ceramics, architecture and the small corners of the world I have explored. My tools are simple: a pencil, a ruler, a knife, a pair of scissors and some glue.

I exhibit my work in the South West, across the UK and overseas. I’m a member of the Paper Artist Collective and I’m also featured as a master artisan in the Michelangelo Foundation’s Homo Faber Guide.