Member Galleries
Personal galleries of our IAPMA members.
Working with the methodology and within the oeuvre of Bio-Art and using critical inquiry I explore the world of evolution as a metaphor. My vision of the Anthropocene (our current geological age) underlies my art practice. Using various mediums from glass, ceramics, printmedia, installations, video and photography to explore the human impact we are having on this environment. Researching the progress of scientific development and evolutionary theory based upon Charles Darwin’s work, including ‘On the Origin of Species’.
My goal is to create awareness surrounding the alterations we make in nature: looking to the way we transform not only the flora but also social, ethical and cultural values in society. Through my studio process I create metaphors for our connection to these changes and the Anthropocene era (the geological era of human influence) through installations and images. Exploring the process of time and change, ways in which the past reflects on current time I use various mediums to connect time and place with the scientific discoveries that expand our understanding of the world we inhabit.
My research into evolution, contemporary society and the impact of tourism on island environments has seen me do onsite investigations in South Shetland Islands specifically Deception Island (Antarctica) 2017, The Faroe Islands (The North Sea) 2015, The Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) 2014 and Lord Howe Islands (NSW Australia) 2014 & 2015. These islands are among many others that are gathering increasing interest for the consumerist travellers ‘bucket list’. Through this my art focuses on the impact of contemporary society and tourism on sensitive ecosystems and island communities through immersive residencies or eco-tourism. The resulting artworks and installations examine a window into the impact of the Anthropocene and contemporary consumerism on the viewed utopian destination. This interdisciplinary eco-critical vision embraces various mediums from the traditional such as printmedia, photography and drawing, to the new media of video, sound and installations. By creating individual works and installations I work to generate a dialogue to the human impact on their very existence.